Embark on a New Conversation: The Equity Coffee Hour
Embark on a New Conversation: The Equity Coffee Hour, facilitated by Stone Cairns
Step into a space of dialogue and resource-sharing with the Equity Coffee Hour, a fresh addition to our 2024 calendar. Every second Wednesday, join us over Zoom for an hour of genuine exchange…no promises of answers, but a guarantee of thought-provoking questions.
Coaches are renowned for their curiosity in meeting individuals where they are, fostering safe spaces for transformative work. In a world of diverse backgrounds and experiences, navigating these transformative times can be a challenge. The Equity Coffee Hour is your haven for questions, concerns, and passions.
This isn’t just a meeting; it’s a chance for you to shape the support you need. Your voice matters. Let’s create a community where every coach’s journey is better.
NOTE: New to the ICF Oregon event calendar for 2024, the Equity Coffee Hour. We will gather virtually the second Wednesday of each month for open conversations and the sharing of resources around all topics related to fostering diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging both for ourselves as coaches and for our clients.