Coaching with IFS: Co-Creating Healing & Awakening – Internal Family System

ICF Oregon is co-hosting this event with ICF Maryland

Coaching with IFS: Co-Creating Healing & Awakening with Internal Family Systems
Dr. Guthrie Sayan, PhD, PCC

The ICF recently sponsored a study that found that 85% of coaches have clients requesting help with their mental well-being. This presentation addresses that need. It will change how you see and work with your clients. IFS is best known as a psychotherapeutic model, but it is more than that: it is a personal development model that can be used by practitioners from all the helping professions to support their clients in healing and awakening. IFS provides a framework for understanding the human psyche and how to end suffering. It synthesizes three big ideas: (1) The human psyche naturally divides into sub-personalities, called parts. Inside each of us are innumerable parts of different ages, temperaments, talents, and strategies to make us happy. (2) These parts live in a relational system, interacting with each other just like people, often getting into conflicts that cause us trouble. To change, we need to understand the dynamics between parts. (3) Everyone has an enlightened core, called Self, with all the qualities and resources we need. The vast majority of people are unaware of Self. IFS provides a way of accessing Self that is much faster than generally believed in most spiritual traditions and in other models of the psyche.


This presentation helps coaches understand themselves so they can better support their clients in finding the mental and emotional wellbeing they want. It focuses on three core ideas:

1. You have many sub-personalities. This is natural, universal, and beneficial.

2. These sub-personalties are part of relational system that is operating off out-dated programs developed in infancy, childhood, and adolescence. This causes suffering.

3. The solution is to introduce these sub-personalities to Self, the natural leader of the internal system, who has been obscured by sub-personalities. Self is the enlightened core of every human–no exceptions.

1.5 CCEs = 0.75 Core Competency + 0.75 Resource Development

Guthrie Sayan PhD, PCC, is the co-founder of the Institute for Healing & Awakening, dedicated to evolving global wellbeing. He is the creator and lead trainer for the institute’s signature programs: Coaching with Spirit, a Level 1 ICF accredited coach training, and Coaching with IFS 1 & 2, a combined two-year program that provides basic, intermediate, and advanced training in Internal Family Systems, a life-changing personal-development model. These programs teach coaches how to come into embodied and grounded presence so that they can coach from a place of natural calm, clarity, and confidence. Guthrie helps wounded healers and seekers become the people they long to be, light workers who want to facilitate this planet’s shift to a higher level of consciousness.

Guthrie earned his BA from Princeton University, BA, and his MA and PhD from University of Connecticut, MA, PhD. Additional training and certifications include: Coaches Training Institute, CPCC; CTI’s leadership training program; certified True Purpose coach and small-group facilitator; training in Psychosynthesis; training in Voice Dialogue; Level 3-trained IFS practitioner; graduate of the Luminous Awareness Institute; graduate of Lynda Caesara’s two-year Energy Class; programs offered by Jeffery Martin: 45 Days to Awakening Challenge, Finder’s Course, Locations & Layers Mastery, all designed to support spiritual awakening or moving into persistent non-symbolic experience.

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Feb 06 2025


3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

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