Coach Connection
Coach Connection
Facilitated by Lynell Shattls, ACC, CPC, ELI-MP
Join us and connect online with other coaches in our chapter. This will be an open forum to share and discuss topics of interest to the group. Whether you’re new to the chapter or have been around for awhile, we believe you’ll find this time valuable to growing in your coaching community.
We’ll create a space to share ideas, ask and answer questions, discuss tools and approaches, and share resources.
What questions are you pondering that your peers have faced or are currently facing? In what other areas of your coaching career might you want to gain some insight? What are your fellow coaches up to?
In addition to connecting, this is your opportunity to hear a short update from chapter leaders about initiatives and programs within our chapter.
Please join your coaching community for a 60-minute virtual chat where we casually discuss topics raised by our participants like you! Coach Connection is open to ALL – aspiring, new, and experienced coaches.
Feel free to submit any topic ideas in advance to
We look forward to connecting with you – register HERE.